Utilizing Design For A Peaceful Environment

There are a lot of challenges that come with living off-grid, or in a tiny space. You are going to want a calming and comforting environment to relax and feel at home in, while you are facing those challenges. Focus your design choices on balancing the aesthetics you like and the utility you need, so your home can function while being an enjoyable space. Here are some tips for designing your home to promote a good mood

What to do with your utilities:

Plumbing and electrical can quickly take up space. You may have the urge to leave them exposed, to keep the space around them free, and give the feeling of a larger space. This can be a good idea, but be strategic with what you leave exposed. Clean copper pipes or a wood-burning stove can be an attractive element, and you do not necessarily need to build enclosures around them. On the other hand, water tanks, batteries, wires, and plastic pipes are not something you will want to be sleeping next to. When you are designing your layout be strategic about where your utilizes will go, and if necessary conceal them with wood.

How to layout your rooms:

Some of the basic elements of Feng Shui can be really useful in designing a comfortable layout. If you do not want to go too deep into that practice using some of the simple principles to start. Think about your space in terms of the main aspects of your life and human needs. Sleep, Food, and Work are should be separated in a way that gives each a prominent position, without intruding on the other. Keeping each one opposite from the entrance is a straight forward way to accomplish this.

Which colors are best for calm spaces?

Color elicits emotional responses and changes the light in a space. When choosing colors, think about your instinctual responses to them. In small spaces, large surface areas, like walls and floors, should be used to reflect light and have a limited impact on your senses. Bright colors stimulate your brain and can make it difficult to quiet your mind when they are used too aggressively in small spaces. Focus on cool or light, warm neutral colors for these areas and accent with bright or vibrant colors in textiles or other features like kitchen backsplashes or countertops.

How to use Patterns:

Similar to color, patterns need to be used strategically to avoid overstimulation. Busy patterns at small scales should be used sparingly. Pattern needs to be considered in all aspects of your design, including in the materials you use. If the aggregate in your concrete is too varied or the grain of your wood is very high, it may make your space feel hectic and smaller. Be aware of balancing patterns, so if you have a high grain panel on your walls, consider using simple neutrals for textiles or countertops and feature elements.

How important is light for the mood of your space?

It should go without saying that sunlight is crucial to maintaining a positive mood. Bringing natural light into some tiny homes, trailers, and vans can be a challenge, especially if you are trying to insulate efficiently. It is important to do what you can to add windows or light wells to positively impact the mood of a space and make it seem larger. If you are worried about insulation, invest in efficient window treatments. Putting reflective material on the outward-facing side will keep the heat of the sun out, and thick, heavy fabric can help limit heat loss in colder conditions.

What are some extra touches for peaceful spaces?

Certain creature comforts can make a big difference in how you adapt to your space. Figure out which ones are important to you and invest in them. If that is where/how you are showering find a way to take some of those stresses off. Designated outdoor space can be another way to find a respite or bringing in house plants to stimulate oxygen production and give you a piece of nature in your living space.